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时间:2022-09-13 16:02:56 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2483字


Stick chasing


追棒───Stick chasing


Once you've done that once or twice and you decide to stick with it, you are sticking with it not because you are chasing adrenaline, it's because you believe what you are doing is important.───一旦你那样做了一两次之后,你就会决定继续做下去,你决定继续的原因并不是为了追求刺激,而是因为你相信你在做一件很重要的事情。

One could argue that these depictions were, in a way, humanizing, but seeing a tipsy snowman chasing a girl with a stick is disturbing at best.───人会说这种图画只是把雪人在某种程度上拟人化了,但是看到一个醉醺醺的雪人拿着棍子追逐一个姑娘还是多少让人感到受不了。

They've seen et, they've heard about the sweets and nothing, not even, in my experience, a man chasing them down the road with a stick, will put them off the idea.───他们见过“外星人”,他们听说过糖果。没有任何事——即使是象那次我见到的那样,被一个成年男人拿着棍子在路上追打,也不能阻止他们去。
