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时间:2022-09-13 22:30:41 作者:学习啦 字数:2970字


Green turtle


绿毛龟───Green turtle


A green turtle glides over a wasteland of dead coral near Kanton island in the central Pacific.───在中太平洋的坎顿岛附近,一只绿海龟滑过一片死珊瑚的不毛之地。

The Green Turtle Museum - dedicated to the sea turtles and their habitat.───绿蠵龟博物馆 - 很亮眼的大门.

Other islands that deserve a visit are Great Guana and Green Turtle Cay.───其他值得一去的岛屿还有大瓜勒岛和绿龟岛。

A green turtle floats past a reef toward open waters near Palau in the Pacific Ocean.───海洋野生动物图片画廊.绿色海龟彩车经过暗礁走向开放水域靠近帕劳的西太平洋.

United States—At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.───美国——毛伊岛水族馆,一只夏威夷绿海龟露出水面。

A green turtle, whose back attracts scavengers eager to dine on a fine carpet of seaweed.───这只绿色的海龟, 它的后壳上的海藻层吸引了清洁工来帮忙清洁进食.


Green turtles return to their natal island to breed.

In fine weather you can find many green turtles reposing on the sand.

A giant green turtle rests on a coral reef at a diving site near the Malaysian island of Sipadan in Celebes Sea east of Borneo November 7, 2005.

United States—At a Maui aquarium a Hawaiian green turtle makes a guest appearance.

The Green Turtle Museum - dedicated to the sea turtles and their habitat.