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时间:2022-09-13 23:09:11 作者:趣历史 字数:3327字


I'm going to eat Ollie




Cold, Hungry, and very, very tired, Ollie crawled under a bush.───欧儿好冷, 好饿, 而且非常非常地累.他终于在一丛灌木下面,缩成了一团.

They are called ollie bollen in Holland, they are stuffed with sweets like raisins and fruit.───它们在荷兰被称为“ollie bollen”,里面塞满了葡萄干和水果等甜食。

Because, sir, he is the evilest person alive that I know," Ollie answered.───先生,因为他是我所知道的活着的最邪恶的人。” 奥利弗回答说。

Ollie: You could run a full specification Space Shuttle simulator on it , it � � s so powerful.───奥利: 这部电脑功率大得很,可以运行全规格太空穿梭机模拟程式.

Ollie: Jesus Christ ! You've got some nerve, Lady. You're really having a banner evening.───奥利: 老天爷! 你够有胆子的啊, 女士. 今天晚上你很志得意满啊.

Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.───油性皮肤的年老奥利替老爷的汽车入汽油.

Ollie : I'm familiar with that Chinese proverb!───奥里: 我对这句中文谚语还挺熟的!

Ollie: What? Buying me one lunch is gonna square you with Krishna?───奥利: 什么? 你以为请我吃顿午饭就能功德圆满 吗 ?


Ollie: What? Buying me one lunch is gonna square you with Krishna?

She ate something, gave Ollie some oatmeal and softened toast, cleaned him up, washed her face and hands.

Tip- Have you ever seen a Ollie competition. Notice how much the people tuck up. It is almost like you sitting on the edge of your board you should be able to grab and Indy when your in the air.

But once Ollie had started to mature socially, his male hormone output enhanced his urge to gain a higher social level.

Old oily Ollie oils old oily autos.