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时间:2022-09-13 23:10:50 作者:学习啦 字数:3029字


Air heater


暖风机───Air heater


The gas can be cooled by a heat exchanger after the air heater.───烟气可以用空气加热器后的热交换器来冷却.

Based on electromagnetic induction heating technology, a new type of high temperature air heater was manufactured.───将电磁感应加热技术应用到空气加热领域, 研制新型高温空气加热装置.

Heat pipe air heater is a important heat recovering equipment.───热管空气预热器是一种重要的余热回收装置。

high moisture content will require a larger air heater.───水分越高,越需要更大的空气加热器。

The coal fire in the hot - air heater quickly warmed the house.───暖气炉里的煤火很快地使室内温暖起来.

The evaporation consumption status of air heater in drying section in resin production was introduced.───介绍了聚氯乙烯树脂生产过程中干燥工段空气加热器消耗蒸汽的情况.


Plateau oil-fired warm air heater is a kind of heating equipment which burns light diesel oil to provide warm air for tents and rooms in high altitude regions.

About the experiment, these experiments were conducted in the free stream wind tunnel, and vitiated air heater was used to simulate the high altitude flow condition.

The gas can be cooled by a heat exchanger after the air heater.

The air heater is connected with a controlling switch and a program-controlled computer board respectively by conductors.

The existing problem in steam air heater & drainage system for No.