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时间:2022-09-13 23:15:04 作者:星火作文 字数:3102字


Emperor Xinbao




Results: the big and little dosage and Xinbao group all could decrease the weight of rabbit, slow the heart rate, decrease the ANF level in plasm.───结果:苓桂术甘汤大、小剂量组及心宝组均明显降低兔的体重,减慢心率,降低血浆心钠素水平。尤其以大剂量组效果显著。

Objective: It is to contrast the treatment effects of Zenglutang and Xinbao pill on the patients that suffer from slowness arrhythmia.───目的:探讨增率汤(中药合剂)与心宝丸(中药丸剂)治疗缓慢心律失常疗效对比。

ResultsAfter treatment, the Shengmaiyin group was superior to the Xinbao group in the aspect of improving heart rate(P───后生脉饮合淫羊藿组在提高心率方面明显优于心宝丸组(P

Chapter 4 introduces the developments of Xinbao as well as the positioning of its products and current marketing channels.───第四章则介绍了新宝公司的发展状况和目前产品的市场地位,以及现有销售渠道状况。

The group on experiment was given BDK, and the control group atropine, Xinbao, and propanolol.───实验组给予病窦康口服液,对照组给予阿托品、心宝、心得安等。

Established in 2001, Xinbao Industry Design Center, is invested by Guangdong Xinbao Electrical Appliances Holdings CO. , LTD .───始建于2001年,由企业投资逾千万元的新宝工业设计中心,隶属于广东新宝电器股份有限公司。


The group on experiment was given BDK, and the control group atropine, Xinbao, and propanolol.