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时间:2022-09-13 23:45:44 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2585字


Paper loading


上纸───Paper loading


In the early days, bootstrapping a computer meant feeding a paper tape containing a boot program or manually loading a boot program using the front panel address/data/control switches.───早期时,启动一台计算机意味着要给计算机喂一条包含引导程序的纸带,或者手工使用前端面板地址/数据/控制开关来加载引导程序。

I watched one man loading a groaning cart with gilt edged paper goblets and plates, clearly preparing for a fete.───我看见过一个推着唧唧作响的推车的男人,车上装着金箔装点得高脚杯与盘子,很显然他是在为节日聚会做准备。

test question management module includes up-loading test questions, managing test questions and auto producing test paper.───试题管理模块包括上传试题、试题管理、试卷的自动生成。

The faux drawers are actually paper loading trays and the slit is where your prints come out.───假抽屉实际上是纸盘,缝隙处则是出纸口。


NO. 067 Paper loading error . Paper is jiammed at paper guide B.