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时间:2022-09-13 23:57:19 作者:星火作文 字数:2660字


red-letter days




His resignation was greeted by jubilation on the streets of Sofia.───他辞职后,索菲亚大街小巷一片欢腾。

When Wayne Rooney equalized on the hour there was only jubilation.───当鲁尼打进扮平比分的进球时,场内有的只是一片欢腾.

The soft lighting was hit in the face, a jubilation.───柔和的灯光打在人们脸上, 一片喜气洋洋.

My colleagues read the communique with astonishment rather than jubilation.───同事们读了公报,只感惊奇,而非欣喜.

Egypt Erupts in Jubilation as Mubarak Steps down.───穆巴拉克下台,埃及举国一片欢腾。

China is the day before yesterday and sports day for jubilation.───昨天和前天是中国体育界喜气洋洋的日子.

However, in these busy behind the jubilation, people seem to have a pensive mood.───然而, 在这些热闹欢腾的背后, 有一个人总显得心事重重.

It is a day that the whole world joins in the jubilation.───这是一个普天同庆的日子.


The laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on National Day.