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时间:2022-09-13 23:47:08 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3048字






He grabbed the hooligan and shot him out of the door.───他一把抓住歹徒,把他扔出门外.

hooligan said he had iced the woman.───那个流氓说他杀掉了那个女人。

The police put up barrier to prevent the football hooligan from damaging property.───防止观看足球的流氓破坏财产.

Guide the most violent hooligan ever a stampede of violence and madness like no other!───不像其他暴力事件中的那样,这一次的暴力事件肯定是最流氓的!享受游戏!

The young hooligan is a fool for women.───那个小流氓十分好色.

He struck hooligan down with his fist.───他挥拳打倒了那个流氓.

I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I'm not one of the hooligan sort because we'll all get tarred with the same brush when there's trouble.───我是足球迷,经常要解释我不是那种足球流氓,因为一旦出事,我们就会被当成是一路货色。

An Analysis on the Three Categories of Images " Hooligan " ,'secular " and " Bigot "───探寻者的历程--王朔作品中的“流氓 ” 、”俗人 ” 、 “ 顽主”形象分析.


The hooligan ended up dead in a car accident.

It is possible that some elements of the Hooligan dress-style were derived from the clothes favoured by costermongers in mid-nineteenth-century London.

The hooligan said he had iced the woman.

The hooligan froze(sentencedict.com), and withdrew.

He struck the hooligan down with his fist.