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时间:2022-09-14 00:01:43 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2543字


War Emperor


战帝───War Emperor


He goes off and gets the support of the emperor of Austria to wage a war with Russia to against his own father.───他前往奥地利并得到了奥地利国王的支持,向俄国开战来反抗他的父亲。

Napoleon's return to France, a coalition of allies –the Austrians, British, Prussians and Rus?sians –who considered the French emperor an enemy began to prepare for war.───拿破仑返回法国后,视其为共同敌人的奥地利、英国、普鲁士及俄国组成反法同盟,开始筹划发动战争。

He goes off and gets the support of the emperor of Austria to wage a war against his own father.───他前往奥地利想得到奥地利国王的支持,从而通过向俄国开战来反抗他的父亲

During the Sith-Imperial War, Emperor Roan Fel forbade them from participating in the hostilities.───在西斯-帝国战争中,皇帝罗恩•费尔禁止帝国武士参与敌对行动。


During the Sith-Imperial War, Emperor Roan Fel forbade them from participating in the hostilities.