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时间:2022-09-14 04:02:26 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2551字


German Shepherd


德牧───German Shepherd


In comparison, a German shepherd has a biting pressure of 750 pounds per square inch.───相比之下,一只德国牧羊犬的咬合力为每平方英寸750磅。

Let's get a move on, Mulley Teal, gently tugging her Australian - German shepherd into the gym.───“让我们勇敢点,往前走, 姆里, ”逖尔轻轻的拉着她的澳大利亚与德国牧羊犬的的后代姆里进入体育馆.

In England they have been using German shepherd dogs to help diagnose cancer.───在英格兰,人们已经在利用德国牧羊犬帮助诊断癌症.

German Shepherd Dogs are predisposed.───德国牧羊犬易感.

The information about German Shepherd Dog.───请发表和德国牧羊犬相关的话题.

Consider Marina Wolak and Buck, her one - year - old German shepherd.───设想一下玛丽娜?沃勒克和她一 岁 大德国牧羊犬巴克.

German Shepherd was on our heels all the way up the road.───一只德国牧羊犬一路上一直紧迫在我们的身后.

The essence of the German Shepherd Dog ( GSD ) is character.───德国牧羊犬 ( 德牧 ) 的本质在于性格.
