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时间:2022-09-14 10:11:47 作者:学习啦 字数:2899字


One hour a week


一周一小时───One hour a week


a year, a customer gets up to one hour a week to learn about a wide-range of subjects tailored to the customer's interest or abilities.───一年花费99美元,一位顾客可以每星期花一小时,来学习专门为顾客兴趣和能力设计的范围广泛的内容。

You do not need to spend hours a day with your tutor. A few hours a week, or even one hour a week, can be enough to keep you on track.───你不需要一天花费数个小时和你的家庭教师呆在一起,一周几个小时,甚至一周一个小时或许就足以使你走上正轨。

encourage employees to tutor one hour a week.───鼓励员工导师一小时一个星期。

Maybe attending church service after undauntedly complaining and bickering the entire time getting ready to give God his one hour a week.───也许在无休止的投诉和争吵后人们每周会抽出一小时去教堂做做礼拜,看看上帝。

For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.───当时我们每周都会上一个小时的演讲课,上课的是一个体态肥胖的老先生,名字叫做普里斯特利。


For one hour a week the class had elocution lessons from an old, portly teacher called Mr Priestley.

For the first ten weeks they will spend one hour a week on induction training with their supervisor.