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时间:2022-09-14 10:15:18 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2775字


Self mockery


自嘲───Self mockery


Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.───任何不想透出穷途末路感觉的演员都应该尽一切可能避免自讽。

All the assured charm, the self-mockery, disappeared from Johnny Fontane's face.───所有自信的魅力,自嘲,从约翰尼·丰塔纳的脸上消失了。

With characteristic self-mockery, the Beatles are proclaiming that they have snuffed out their old selves to make room for the new Beatles incarnate.───披头士以其独有的自嘲口吻宣布他们已经把过去那个旧我扼杀,现在这个躯壳里的是全新的披头士。

Compared with his earlier painting works, this series carries with it a feeling of ease though accompanied with a sense of self-mockery.───与他之前的绘画作品相比,这一系列作品虽然带有自嘲,却携带着一股轻松自在的情绪。

This means of self-mockery and fun, and have much to the body into men consumer goods?───此番不择手段的自嘲加调侃,试问又有几多男士能以身体沦为消费商品呢?

Interestingly, Xie Molin's self-mockery makes easily the old argument on "which came first, the egg or the chicken" associated with.───有趣的是,谢墨凛的自嘲很容易联想到“先有蛋还是先有鸡”的古老争辩。
