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时间:2022-09-14 10:13:39 作者:语文迷 字数:2558字


Display and release


展泄───Display and release


Joint Capabilities Release, a next-generation software for Force Battle Command Brigade and Below display screens that features Army/Marine Corps interoperability and advanced mapping tool kits.───联合能力释放(Joint Capabilities Release):一种下一代旅及旅级以下作战指挥显示软件,具备陆军和海军陆战队的互操作性以及先进的绘图工具包。

The following commands display the version, release, and maintenance levels of AIX.───以下命令显示AIX的版本、发布版和维护级别。

DURING the next few weeks publishers will release a crush of books, pile them onto delivery lorries and fight to get them on the display tables at the front of bookshops in the run-up to Christmas.───接下来的几周时间,出版商们会在圣诞节购物大潮来临之前发行一大批书,把它们塞进卡车并竭力把它们摆在每家书店展示柜台的最前端。

Desks will be placed on some vivid display, and release a display of toys and stationery .───书桌上可放置一些形象化的摆设,并腾出一个摆放玩具和文具的地方。
