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时间:2022-09-14 12:03:55 作者:星火作文 字数:3022字


Difficult and dangerous


艰险───Difficult and dangerous


It's still a difficult and dangerous situation.───现在的情况仍然非常困难和危险。

I started to teach Queen another trick, a difficult and dangerous trick.───我开始教皇后另外的一个诡计,一个困难的和危险的诡计。

had begun to perfect her vault, one of the most difficult and dangerous gymnastic moves.───跳马是体操项目中难度最大、最为危险的项目,而程菲在跳马项目上已经日趋完美。

The president said these benefits might have been justified decades ago - when such jobs were more difficult and dangerous.───萨科齐总统表示这些受益在几十年前有可能是正当合理的,当时这类工作比较艰苦、危险,但今后再也不会这样了。

my fellow citizens , let no one doubt that this is a difficult and dangerous effort on which we have set out.───我的同胞们,不要怀疑我们付出的努力有多困难和危险。

Cheng had begun to perfect her vault, one of the most difficult and dangerous gymnastic moves.───跳马是体操项目中难度最大、最为危险的项目,而程菲在跳马项目上已经日趋完美。


Surface defect test is difficult and dangerous as the railway is very long and the environment is complex for human.

Getting there was difficult and dangerous, but the room itself was sanctuary.

Only London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard seems to grow, still balancing on a tightrope - a difficult and dangerous trick.