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时间:2022-09-14 20:04:55 作者:学习啦 字数:3004字


Advocate doing




His advocacy of the right of illegal immigrant to remain in the country.───他对非法移民留在此国家的权利的支持.

Advocacy can also take place outside the courtrooms, in arbitrations or in tribunals.───除了法庭以外, 仲裁或庭审中也有辩护发生.

Political advocacy groups have begun to use information services to disseminate information that is then accessed by the public via personal computer.───政治宣传团体已经开始使用信息服务来传播信息,公众可以通过个人电脑获取这些信息。

Comparing with the faithful obligation to the court, zealous advocacy direct duty of the defense attorney.───辩护律师对犯罪嫌疑人 、 被告人负有积极辩护的义务,同时又对法庭负有真实义务,二者之间存在一定的冲突.

This bulletin is provided by Moot and Advocacy Club and posted by Faculty of Law.───此通告由模拟法庭俱乐部提供、法学院代传.

Mr Lazaridis's advocacy of science and education has won him acclaim in Canada.───Lazaridis对科学与教育的投入使他在加拿大得到了很高的认可.

At best, it can have influence through advocacy and example.───充其量, 它可以通过鼓吹和模范产生影响.

The recent trends also reflect a rise in consumer advocacy in Japan.───最近的这种趋势也是日本国内消费者维权运动上升的一个反映.


She is renowned for her advocacy of human rights.