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时间:2022-09-15 04:01:18 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2577字


Poetry volume


诗卷───Poetry volume


Zhen Yuan is also a poet. Hanyang seclusion, try the various governments involved. Poetry volume.───贞元间诗人也。隐居汉阳,尝为诸府从事。诗一卷。

Lujiang people. Scholars cite the first surname of the time, Shi Gong Yuan Wailang to the test. Poetry volume.───庐江人。南唐时举进士第一,仕至考功员外郎。诗一卷。

Pei said, God save the first three years of registration Scholars, the official end Libu Yuanwai Lang. Poetry volume.───裴说,天祐三年登进士第,官终礼部员外郎。诗一卷。

Set of two volumes, this compilation poetry volume.───集二卷,今编诗一卷。

His short poem "West of Hubei" was selected into the "Poetry Volume of Library of China Minority Literary Classics" .───短诗《鄂西》入选《中国少数民族文学经典文库·诗歌卷》。


Chapter 8 yuan, Mu Zhou Tonglu who registered six Scholars Dali first. Zhen Yuan, the adjusted principal book Death Jurong. Poetry volume, this deposit 6.