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时间:2022-09-15 16:01:22 作者:星火作文 字数:3448字


Conjugate effect




The exponential gain coefficient, diffraction efficiency, phase conjugate reflectivity and response time were measured.───测试了晶体的指数增益系数 、 衍射效率 、 位相共轭反射率和响应时间.

The conjugate gradient method is one of the most efficient methods for solving unconstrained optimization problems.───共轭梯度方法是求解无约束优化问题的一类有效方法.

This type is known as the conjugate of a service specification.───这一类型就是服务规范的变形。

Intermitten constuction of toothed sector conjugate cam ensures machine accurate and lower noise at speed.───扇形齿轮共轭凸轮的间隙机构冲击小、性好、声低,确保机器在高速运转时的模切精度.

Methods Prepare pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine by cyanogen bromide activation and amine reduction immunological characteristics.───结论采用溴化氰活化法制备1型肺炎球菌荚膜多糖-蛋白结合疫苗优于胺还原法.

Objective To prepare safe and valid Group A Meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.───目的制备安全、效的A群 脑膜炎球菌多糖结合疫苗.

We say that the reference is the "conjugate" of the service.───我们将这样的引用称为服务的 “共轭”。

Objective To prepare group A + C meningococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine.───目的研制A+群脑膜炎球菌多糖-破伤风类毒素结合疫苗.


In 91% of the records the mother's conjugate diameter was measured in centimetres: we preserved these units.

Please conjugate the English verb "speak".

The trend in cardiovascular mortality with external conjugate was abolished by allowing for head circumference.

We have to conjugate these verbs in Latin.sentencedict .com

Bound antibodies were detected with an alkaline phosphatase conjugate by standard methods.