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时间:2022-09-16 04:03:44 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2895字


Public health


众铄───Public health


Public health inspectors visit restaurants and hotel kitchens regu - larly.───公共卫生官员定期检查餐馆与旅馆的厨房.

The latest numbers remind us how little is known about public health.───最近的数字让我们意识到,我们对于公共健康知之甚少.

Public health officials were called in to inspect the premises.───公共卫生官员奉召来视察了建筑物。

Brucellosis is a worldwide problem of both public health and economic importance.───布氏杆菌病对公共卫生和经济的重要性是世界性的广泛问题.

These policies have resulted in great gains in public health.───这些政策使公共卫生得到极大改进。

The doctor works in the domain of public health.───医生在公众健康范围内工作.

Venereal disease continues to be a significant public health problem.───性病仍为严重的公共健康问题.

The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health.───该研究在《流行病学与公共卫生》杂志上发表.


The restaurant is visited regularly by public health officers.

The ultimate decision rests with the Public Health Service.

The adequacy of public health care has been brought into question.

Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.

Most public health clinics offer completely anonymous testing.