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时间:2022-09-16 08:02:09 作者:语文迷 字数:2827字


Communist society




Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism.───贫穷不是社会主义, 更不是共产主义.

Marxism is also known as communism.───马克思主义,另一个词叫共产主义.

Arrest the downward trend ; Check the growth of communism in SE Asia ; Contain the rebel movement.───阻挡下降的趋势; 阻挡反叛运动.

Later I believed for a while that communism offered the best hope for this world.───后来有一段时间我相信**主义给这个世界带来了最大的希望。

In Manchester period, Engel thoroughly transferred from revolutionary democratism to communism and from idealism to materialism.───在曼彻斯特时期, 恩格斯完成了由革命民主主义向共产主义、由唯心主义向唯物主义的彻底转变.

Only the future will reveal whether communism is an unattainable theory of utopia or whether it is the next step for society.───只有未来才能表露***主义是否仅是一个远不可及的乌托邦理论,抑或真是人类社会的下一阶段。

He lived and died a staunch fighter for communism.───他的一生是一个坚强的共产主义战士的一生.

WHY did communism take root?───共产主义何以生根?


He was a politically conscious fighter for communism.