Playing on the seesaw
玩跷跷板───Playing on the seesaw
I'm playing on the seesaw with an older girl in the park!───我正跟公园里的大姐姐一起玩翘翘板呢!
I'm playing on the seesaw.───我正在公园里玩跷跷板。
The children are playing on the seesaw.───孩子们在玩跷跷板。
We soared high into the sky on it and were then cast down and went up again. We kept on playing on the seesaw a hundred times.───接下来又去玩跷跷板,都快要弹到天上去了,掉下来又弹上去,上上下下接连不停,足足玩了一百下才停止。
Some kids are playing on the slide, some are playing with balls, and some are playing on the seesaw.───有些孩子在玩滑梯,有的在玩球,有的在玩跷跷板。
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