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时间:2022-09-16 20:01:20 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2478字


Cutting firewood


砍柴───Cutting firewood


He earned his living cutting firewood in the hills.───他靠在山上砍柴为生。

For example, after Liu Yalin killed and dismembered an elderly couple cutting firewood in a Guangdong Province forest, he was judged to be schizophrenic and released to his brother.───如广东的刘延林(音译)将一对在山中砍柴的老夫妇杀死并肢解。经鉴定,他患上了精神分裂症,被释放后和他兄弟一起生活。

a typical Hakka, he is diligent and simple minded. When he was a child, he started to do farm work like cutting firewood and plowing.───客家人勤劳质朴的优良品格,自小便与砍柴、耕作等诸多农家活结下不解之缘。

Cutting firewood for you, Carrying water for you, Building newhouse for you.───给你砍柴,给你挑水,给你盖新房。

Jump around! Dance! Exercise in the gym is good, but so is making love, exchanging back rubs, or cutting firewood.───旋转跳!跳舞!在健身房里锻炼不错,做爱、互相搓背或者劈柴也同样很好。
