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时间:2022-09-18 08:02:58 作者:学习啦 字数:2938字


Sixth grade class


六年级───Sixth grade;班───class


Skip from the fourth to the sixth grade.───从四年级跳级到六年级.

When my son Jesse was in sixth grade, his teacher was diagnosed with breast cancer.───我的儿子杰西上六年级的时候, 他的老师被诊断患上了乳腺癌.

One second, third, fifth and sixth grade classroom has been installed complete multimedia teaching platform.───其中二 、 三 、 五、六年级的教室已安装了完善的多媒体教学平台.

SeveralPupils at the Sixth Grade of Ying Xiu Primary School are playing in their Temporary Campus.───映秀小学几个六年级的学生在临时校园里玩耍.

She teaches sixth grade.───她教六年级。

Young learners finish elementary school in fifth or sixth grade.───年轻学生在五年级或六年级时自小学毕业.

The famous writer visited his sometime sixth - grade teacher to thank her.───那位名作家拜访感谢他从前上六年级时的老师.

What a sweet, obedient little girl she was in the sixth grade.───她上六年级的时候是个多么可爱温顺的小女孩啊!


The school serves 825 children, from kindergarten through the sixth grade.

My brother is in the sixth grade.

The fifth one scarcely reads at sixth grade level.

Yeah, Jenny and I go back to sixth grade.

By sixth grade, the girl who was ahead of the boys in math is now even or behind them.