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时间:2022-09-18 08:04:04 作者:语文迷 字数:2883字


report belatedly




Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.───透露给报纸的文件声称是揭露放射性废料正被非法倾倒到此地一事.

She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road.───她给当地的报纸写了一封措辞激烈的信,抱怨新修的马路.

The newspaper reprinted the facts, without fear or favour.───报纸公正地转载了事情的真相.

A South Korean newspaper said today the event will be smaller than in years past.───一份韩国报纸今天说活动的规模不会有前些年那么大。

In today's newspaper there is an article about how he rescured a child from drowning.───他抢救落水儿童的事迹今天上报了.

He was carrying a newspaper.───他正拿着一份报纸。

The tsarist government closed down the newspaper in December 1905.───沙皇政府在1905年12月查封了这家报馆.

The story must be true — I read it in the newspaper.───这个故事准是真的,那是我在报上看到的.


The newspaper reporters interviewed the minister.

I put an advert in the local newspaper.

The newspaper printed a denial of the untrue story.

The newspaper had commenced as a duplicated broadsheet.

Which newspaper do you read regularly?