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时间:2022-09-18 08:03:15 作者:星火作文 字数:3298字


European language


欧洲语───European language


It certainly has more than other European languages and probably more than any other language in the world.───它肯定比其他欧洲语言拥有更多,也可能比世界上任何其他语言都多。

A default list of noise words is supplied for each major European language.───一个默认地噪声码列表可供每个主要的欧洲语言使用。

It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches every European language.───新的欧洲研究中心应设在教授所有欧洲语言的大学里才合适。

In contrast, retroflex consonants do not appear in any other Indo-European language, not even Iranian ones which are closest to Indic.───与之相反,代表卷舌音的子音并不出现在任何其他印欧语言里面,甚至在伊朗语那里也没有任何一处是与印度语相近。

My memory might be playing tricks on me but I seem to remember reading once that Hungarian is the hardest European language to learn.───我的记忆可能会捣鬼,但是我记得读到过匈牙利语是欧洲最难学的语言。

The successful candidate will be a graduate with at least 3 years' marketing experience and preferably a second European language.───大学毕业生,至少有三年的营销经验,掌握第二种欧洲语言者优先。


It is fitting that the new centre for European studies should be in a university that teaches every European language.

The article also points out that English, as an Indo European language, is now going halfway on its transition from a synthetic language to an analytical language. Therefore, parataxis expression in...

Of or relating to the branch of the Indo - European language Latvian , Lithuanian, and Old Prussian.