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时间:2022-09-18 12:02:14 作者:星火作文 字数:2687字


I have stomach trouble


胃病───stomach trouble;得───have to


Have you ever have stomach trouble before?───你以前得过胃病 吗 ?

The one with the stomach trouble let out a hiss.───那害肚子的人报以一声“嘘”.

I shall keep Mary off school until her stomach trouble is better.───在玛丽的胃病好转以前,我将叫她不去上学.

He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.───他因胃病而吃清淡的食物.

Yes, I have. I have stomach trouble two year ago.───得过的. 我两年以前得过胃病.

My uncle has got another attack of stomach trouble.───我舅舅的胃病又犯了。

The medicine can correct stomach trouble.───这种药物可医治胃病。

Eating and drinking too much is likely to give one stomach trouble.───暴食暴饮容易得胃病.


Got some stomach trouble and I was advised to go to Vichy and Wiesbaden and take the waters.

How does office worker treat stomach trouble and chronic enteritis?

The girlfriend has stomach trouble, tenosynovitis, how to notice the body at ordinary times?

He eats bland food because of his stomach trouble.

The one with the stomach trouble let out a hiss.