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时间:2022-09-18 16:02:58 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2596字


Wu Cheng


伍乘───Wu Cheng


east came han Dang and Jiang Qin, west, Zhou Tai and Pan Zhang, south, Xu Sheng and Ding Feng; north, Cheng Wu and Lv Meng.───东边韩当、蒋钦杀来,西边周泰、潘璋杀来,南边徐盛、丁奉杀来,北边陈武、吕蒙杀来。

His story also provided the inspiration for the classic novel Journey to the West written by Wu Cheng 'en during the Ming dynasty.───他的故事也为明代吴承恩撰写小说《西游记》提供了灵感。

The Monkey King is from a 16th Century fantasy epic by Wu Cheng en.───猴王是16世纪吴承恩写的一部神话传奇。

WU Cheng was a famous neo-Confucianist, expert in the Confucian Classics Studies, and Yi-ologist of the Yuan Dynasty.───吴澄是光显于元代的著名理学家、经学家和易学家。

The author of the Journey to the West is generally believed to be Wu Cheng'en.───《西游记》的作者,一般认为是吴承恩。

Journey to the West, one of the four classic Chinese novels, written by Wu Cheng'en in the 1590s during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).───明朝(1368-1644)吴承恩于1590年代,写的《西游记》是中国的四大名著之一。
