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时间:2022-09-19 08:04:21 作者:星火作文 字数:2425字


Foil head


箔头───Foil head


transfer machine is a new printing machine which overheated and compressed the printed foil to transfer into many kinds of printing products through hot stamping head.───热转印机是将预先印刷好的花箔通过热烫头加热、加压转印到各类承印物上的一种新印刷机械。

foil, head and arms are also valid targets in sabre fencing, so sabre fencing focuses more on offensive and its defensive area is enlarged.───佩剑是以进攻为主的,有效部位比花剑增加头部和手臂。加大防守面积是成功的关键。佩剑主动权相对突出。

Put your sticky tape loops onto the back of your figurine's back, head, chest and so on, then simply cover with pieces of aluminium foil.───把胶带贴在塑像的背部、头部、胸口以及其他各处,然后简单的把铝箔粘上去。


Men's razors some in two styles, either with a foil head or with rotary heads.