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时间:2022-09-19 16:04:03 作者:星火作文 字数:2638字


Dung beetle turning dung


蜣螂───Dung beetle;转───turn


a dung beetle cake?───一个蜣螂蛋糕?

A European dung beetle ( Geotrupes stercorarius ) that flies with a droning sound.───欧洲粪金龟一种飞时发嗡嗡声的欧洲粪金龟 ( 粪金龟粪金龟属 )

There are around 2,000 species of dung beetle. All, though, live their lives around faeces.───目前约有2000种的蜣螂,尽管数量如此之多,但他们全都住在粪便堆附近。

European dung beetle ( Geotrupes stercorarius ) that flies with a droning sound.───飞行时发出嗡嗡声的东半球粪金龟子.

A dung beetle climbed out of the soil.───从土里爬出一只虼螂来.

Dung beetle mosquito talks about love, man: Your what profession?───屎壳郎蚊子谈恋爱, 郎: 你啥职业?

You wanted to show Danny Dung beetle how clever you were. So you told him our secret.───你要向金龟子丹尼证明你很聪明,便把我们的秘密告诉了他。


Cholesterin as an index component to control the quality was detected by RP-HPLC, the average content of the cholesterin in five kinds Dung Beetle was 0.3381%.