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时间:2022-09-20 00:01:08 作者:星火作文 字数:2976字


Most reasonable


至理───Most reasonable


Our prices are the most reasonable.───我们的价格是最合理的.

Who is the highest and most reasonable judge?───谁是最高而公正的法官?

They aren't interested in the most reasonable and sound solution to their problem.───他们对最合理和最健全的解决问题方案不感兴趣。

Examining closely our term and price, you will find them most reasonable.───如仔细研究我们的条件与价格, 则会发现我们的非常合理.

They are seeking the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.───他们在寻找有益于他们健康的最合理的饮食.

The most reasonable of NC technology programmes and the best quality CNC tool available to users.───把最合理的数控加工技术方案和最优质数控刀具提供给用户.


You find yourself flying coach, and staying at the most reasonable hotel in town.

Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong. Christopher Hitchens 

Thus, it seems most reasonable to PostPone drug therapy of primary hyperuricemia until clinical manifestations occur.

Make your important decisions from the most reasonable thinking you can muster – when you feel alert, clearheaded, and intelligent.

The most reasonable configure can be achieved by determining different combinations of OPGW and diffluent wires through calculation.