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时间:2022-09-21 00:03:52 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2622字


Don't cry, everyone


别哭───Don't cry;大家───everybody


Heidi, don't cry any more," Clara begged.───海蒂,别哭了。”克拉拉恳求道。

It's all right. Don't cry.───不要紧,别哭了。

Stop now, please, and don't cry any more!───请现在停下来,不要再哭了!

'Don't cry, ' she said. 'You know water is bad for you. '───“别哭了,”她说,“你知道水对你伤害很大。”

My eye, she said. Don't cry, he said. I'll die, she said. Oh my, he said.───我的眼睛哪,她说.不要哭,他说.我会死掉,她说.天哪,他说。

When he said, "let's calm for a period of time, ok? " when, want cool say, then hang up, don't cry, he is not here to ask your advice.───当他说“让我们冷静一段时间,好吗”的时候,要冷静的说好,然后挂断电话,不要哀求,他不是来征求你的意见的。


Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened.

Now, now, don't cry.

Don't cry,the sick have fallen asleep.

don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

It's all right. Don't cry.