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时间:2022-09-21 08:03:15 作者:星火作文 字数:2624字


Tourist information


问讯处───information desk;游客───tourist


The visitors are referred to the information desk.───让来访者到问事处去.

Could you show me where the Information Desk is?───能给我指一下询问台在什么地方 吗 ?

I trundled along to the information desk.───我慢慢向问讯处走去.

She rang a buzzer at the information desk.───她按响了信息台上的一只蜂鸣器。

Then, you need to go to the information desk.───那你要到服务台办理。

Let's find a souvenir store. We can ask for directions at the information desk.───那我们找一家礼品店吧. 我们可以到问讯处去问路.

I'd suggest that you ask at the information desk.───我建议你去问讯台咨询一下.

You can ask at the information desk over there.───你可以去那边的服务台打听.


You can ask at the information desk over there.

We asked the man on the information desk for a map of the city.

I'd suggest that you ask at the information desk.

I trundled along to the information desk.

The visitors are referred to the information desk.