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时间:2022-09-21 08:04:45 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2623字


How do foreigners and Englishmen get on the bus




There is nothing better than studying Shakespare's work for both foreigner and Britisher to enjoy the rich an colorful of English.───对于外国人或英国人来说,要欣赏英语的丰富多彩,可能没有比学习莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法更好的方法。

Those people you met in campus yesterday are Britisher.───你昨天在校园里遇到的那些人是英国人。

It is very interesting that Mark is a Britisher, but he likes Beijing opera.───一件有趣的事情是迈克是英国人, 但他喜欢京剧.

Danny is an Indian guy disguised as a Britisher.───丹尼只不过是伪装成英国人的印度人。


Danny is an Indian guy disguised as a Britisher.

Not many Britishers, it seems, visit Cape Verde.

The service was duly held, and afterwards the Britishers present were asked to give a choral item.

For a foreigner or Britisher, there is no better method than the way to learn English from Shakespeare's methods in using English.

P. I'm as staunch a Britisher as you are, sir.