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时间:2022-09-21 08:03:42 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2830字






While prices are rising so fast, many shops think they can climb on the bandwagon and raise their prices, too.───正当此价格飞涨的时候, 许多商店认为可以趁势提高商品价格.

Amy felt the colour rising in her cheeks at the thought.───埃米一想到这件事,就觉得脸红。

Overall, prices are still rising.───总的说来, 价格仍在上涨.

Rising budget deficit is beginning to bite.───预算赤字的不断增加开始产生不良后果.

Wages were rising faster than productivity and this was eating into profits.───工资的涨幅高过了生产率增长的速度,从而消耗了利润所得。

Big farmers are moving in, not in order to farm, but in order to speculate with rising land prices.───大农场主正在不断涌进来,不是为了耕作,而是要利用不断上涨的地价进行投机。

The Labour Party swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices.───工党在对物价上涨不满的浪潮声中轻而易举地当选了.

Crime figures are rising rapidly.───犯罪数字正在迅速上升。


The house had got woodworm and rising damp.

Average incomes are rising more slowly.

People are fearful of rising crime in the area.

Laura heard his remark, and felt her hackles rising.

The crime rate is rising.