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时间:2022-09-21 12:00:47 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2636字


Try on another one


试穿───Try them on?;一条───One


On the way out of LK Leon, one of their swish pairs of frames catches my eye, and I try them on: I can definitely see myself wearing glasses again.───在离开 LK Leon 公司时,他们一副时髦的框架眼镜吸引了我的目光,我试戴了一下:戴上框架眼镜,我又能清楚地看到我自己了。

Here you are.You can try them on.───给你。你可以试穿一下。

May I try them on?───我可以试穿它们吗?

Customer : Let me try them on . Hm ! They seem to fit fine. How much is it including tax ?───顾客:我先试试。呣,倒还合适,连税一共是多少钱?。

The next day the man related the incident to a friend. The friend asked, "Why didin't you try them on to see if they fit? "───第二天,他把事情告知朋友,朋友问道:「你当时为甚麽不试穿看看呢?」

Choose pants, shorts and a shirt and try them on every week or month to see how they fit.───选择裤子,短裤和短袖,然后每个礼拜或者每个月试穿看看他们和不合身。


Try them on, madam.