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时间:2022-09-21 12:02:18 作者:语文迷 字数:2730字


Higher year




Debate has raged around the possibility of male menopause for decades.───关于男人更年期是否存在问题争论已持续数十年.

For a woman the menopause does not have to mean the end of her sexual activity.───对于女性,绝经期并不必定意味着性活动的终止.

Although other hormonal conditions can cause them, hot flashes are frequently due to menopause.───尽管其他激素情况可引起潮热,但是常见的原因是绝经.

Objective To analyze the etiology and diagnostic methods of vagina bleeding after menopause.───目的分析引起绝经后阴道出血的病因及诊断方法.

After menopause, when estrogen levels plummet, some women become forgetful.───绝经期后, 当雌激素水平骤然下降, 一些女性开始变得健忘.

The male menopause is said to affect men who are approaching middle age.───据说步入中年的男人会经历男性更年期.

Obesity after menopause increases the risk of breast cancer, so try to keep your weight down.───闭经后体重增加提高了罹患乳腺癌的风险, 因而努力去把你的体重降下来.

Perimenopause marks the interval in which your body begins its transition into menopause.───围绝经期标志着人体开始过渡到绝经期的间隔.
