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时间:2022-09-21 12:01:11 作者:趣历史 字数:2823字


Past and present


前世今生───Past and present


the city where past and present meet.───过去和现在在这座城市里交汇成一体。

Review their past and present billing information.───查看过去和现在的账单信息。

Her letters conflate past and present.───她的信把过去与现在结合在一起。

The cash flow of the past and present should be able to well reflect the value and bankrupt probability of the company.───过去和现在的现金流量应能很好地反映公司的价值和破产概率。

both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind.───从他注意研究中国历史情况和当前社会情况方面,又从他注意研究包括苏联在内的外国情况方面,知道他是很虚心的。

Grace Lei, HTC's general counsel, said the company continues to deny all of Apple's past and present claims.───宏达电的总法律顾问GraceLei表示,公司继续否认苹果以前及现在的所有指控。


Her past and present offer hope for little girls like Tamika.

Past and present - Time, the old enemy, again.

Opposite Past and present meet in Hong Kong Harbour today.

Great literary figures past and present.

Or to know more about Olympic athletes past and present.