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时间:2022-09-22 00:03:33 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2640字


It's in my plate


我盘───My plate;里───in


She heaped food on my plate.───第二个说:“是谁吃了我盘子里的东西?”

She heaped my plate with food.───她往我的盘子里夹了很多食物。

For the rest of the evening, too mortified to go back to the dining table, I nursed a bit of potato salad on my plate.───剩下的时间里,由于羞于再回到餐桌旁,我整晚都只守着盘子里那一点点土豆沙拉。

And she had been wonderful to me in my first four years, when she taught me to read and count, clean my plate, and wash my hands.───在我生命的头四年里,她对我很好,她教我识字、数数、清洗我用过的餐盘,帮我洗净双手。

Like a lot of folks, I've got a lot on my plate without trying to make sure the dishwasher liquid is in a biodegradable container.───就象很多人一样,我在我的盘子里装了许多吃的,不去管他洗碗液是否可降解。


My plate was already full.

My father ladled some soup into my plate.

They whipped my plate away before I'd even finished.

She heaped my plate with food.

I pushed back my plate angrily.