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时间:2022-09-22 12:04:30 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3057字


Activity room


活动室───Activity room


Etiology of separation anxiety (3) strange activity room environment.───分离焦虑症发病原因(3)陌生的活动室环境。

The second floor contains the majority of the children's collection, an open reading lounge, cyber center, and activity room.───二楼包含了大部分儿童读物储藏室,开放式的阅读休息区和活动室。

Rock wool color plate fit two clean workshop fire, is constructed by the indoor ceiling decoration plate, the ideal building activity room.───岩棉彩钢板契合洁净厂房二级消防要求,是室内吊顶、活动房建造最理想的构造用装修板材。

Have multi - functional to keep fit and recover room, activity room, read room, emeritus all available rooms.───有多功能健身康复室 、 动室 、 读室 、 誉室一应俱全.


Note: If the Lecture Theatre is full, participants may be admitted to the Activity Room of Hong Kong Central Library for video broadcast relay.

Have multi - functional to keep fit and recover room, activity room, read room, emeritus all available rooms.

In the newly established center, our reporter found there were several rehabilitation facilities, including health club, reading room, chess room, activity room, handcraft-rooms and needlecraft room.

The maximum capacity of the Activity Room at Wah Kwai Community Centre is 30.

Assembly type light aluminum alloy structure activity room was developed by the total logistic construction research institute in order to raise our army's camp housing level.