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时间:2022-09-22 16:01:38 作者:趣历史 字数:2564字


The ring code


魔戒───The ring;暗语───Code words


Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger.───我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。

The tarnish lay thick on the inside of the ring.───戒指内侧有一层厚厚的锈斑。

I was staggered at the amount of money the ring cost.───那戒指那么贵,我非常吃惊。

The ring near the bark is the biggest one of all.───离树皮最近的年轮是当中最大的.

The horse paced around the ring.───那匹马在跑马场的四周溜蹄.

Archie was always in the ring with them.───阿奇总会跟他们一起在马戏场里.

She leaps in one bound onto her pony's back for a speedy canter around the ring.───她纵身一跃骑上了马背,绕着场地策马慢跑。

We looked all over for the ring.───我们到处找那枚戒指。


The jeweller skillfully engraved the initials on the ring.

The ring was specially made for her.

The ring was only plated with gold.

He was struck down three times on the ring.

He that runs fastest gets the ring