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时间:2022-09-22 16:02:35 作者:星火作文 字数:2488字


A table tennis racket


乒乓球───Table Tennis;一只───One


The early 20 th century the United States has to set the table tennis competition appliances production.───20世纪初,美国开始成套地生产乒乓球的比赛用具.

They like playing table tennis.───他们喜爱打乒乓球。

I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too.───我最喜欢踢足球, 偶尔也打打乒乓球.

Table tennis tutorial video about forehand consecutive middle court by WANG Hao.───乒乓球教学视频-王皓?手中台连续弧圈球动作示范.

Your table tennis is excellent. I bow to your superior skill.───你乒乓球打得真好, 我甘拜下风.

Many Chinese would say that is an insult to Brazilian table tennis players.───很多中国人都说这是对巴西乒乓球运动员的污辱.

Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis.───下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球 吧.

New recruits to our table tennis club are always welcome.───我们的乒乓球俱乐部随时欢迎新成员的参加.
