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时间:2022-09-23 00:01:44 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2704字


Rent money


租钱───Rent money


She denied owing rent money to her greedy roommate.───她不承认自己欠贪婪的室友房租。

If all you need to start a startup is rent money, you should be able to do it anywhere.───要是创业的启动本钱只是一点租金,那么你应该在任何地方都可以创业。

's okay to get creative with your marketing, but don't bet the rent money on untried techniques.───市场营销上有创意是好的,但是不要将贷款花在未经实验的技术上。

This sounds an awful lot like a heroin addict who robs his mother's purse of rent money and buys drugs and prostitutes with it.───这听起来很像瘾君子从他母亲那里强抢钱包用来买毒品、嫖妓。

all that matters is finding rent money.───现在最重要的就是凑够租房的钱了。

It's okay to get creative with your marketing, but don't bet the rent money on untried techniques.───在市场营销上有创意是好的,但是不要将贷款花在未经实验的技术上。


You've been spending our rent money on Filipino hookers?

The rent money is two months in arrears.

Poly Feng said high land prices per square meter in 37 daily rent money.