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时间:2022-09-23 00:06:20 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3239字


First and second


首辅───First and second


All the students had their teeth X-rayed at the end of the first and second years.───所有的学生都在一年级和二年级结束时做了牙齿 X 光检查。

Nibs and John were first and second mate.───尼布斯和约翰是大副和二副。

development of an understanding of the self becomes evident between the first and second years of life and shows rapid elaboration in subsequent years.───自我理解的发展在生命的头一两年间变得明显,在随后的几年里快速地变得详尽。

Calculate how much carbon has been saved by people changing their method of transport between the first and second audit.───计算人们在第一和第二次调查中采用不同的出行方式所节省的碳排放量。

At the heart of the two-year programme, in the long summer break between first and second years, is an internship.───两年制项目的核心,是第一学年和第二学年之间长暑假中的一次实习。

You'll see a load of strings between the first and second lines prefixed by a hash (#) - simply add the second line near the bottom.───你可以看见在第一行和第二行之间看到大量的以#作为前缀的字符串,只需要增加底部附近第二行即可。


They finished first and second at the U. S. Olympic swimming trials Thursday, claiming the two berths in the event.

In those far-off days First Division meant first, and Second Division meant second.

We shipped the first units in the first and second weeks of May 1993.

The backs of the heads of the first and second officer and engineer flashed on the video screens.

The conversational bridge must be built back in kindergarten, first, and second grades.