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时间:2022-09-23 00:01:56 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2261字


More than ten days


十几天───More than ten days


We still have more than ten days".───我们还有十几天”。

He drew one after another, fully painted more than ten days.───他画了一个又一个,足足画了十多天。

Then I purchased a syringe and started to feed the puppy by hand, which I did every day and night, every two hours, for more than ten days.───于是我买了一只注射器,开始亲手喂养那只小狗,每隔两小时一次,夜以继日从不间断,一直喂了它十几天。


He spent more than ten days in the neurology unit at Glasgow's Southern General before being allowed home.

More than ten days later, the buds growed into green leaves as long as kelp. The single stick growed into a green faery that dances in the wind.