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时间:2022-09-24 04:05:00 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3250字


Content of the Earth Day transcript


地球日───earth day;手抄报───Hand copy


Why do we celebrate Earth Day?───我们为什么庆祝地球日 呢 ?

Earth Day, Environmental Laws, Environmental Issues in the news, being green was entering the mainstream.───想一想世界地球日,环境法,新闻中的环境问题,不难看出环保行动正在成为主流。

And that's no way to celebrate Earth Day.───这种回收方式当然不能用来庆祝地球日了.

Earth day, afraid I could not find it as such a strong logic, I would appreciate.───天大地大, 还怕找不着像我这么逻辑能力强, 会欣赏我的人.

Earth Day is a day for reflection and action.───地球日是反思与行动的日子.

Our teacher told us about projects other classes had done for Earth Day, and she asked for suggestions for our class projects.───我们的老师给我们讲了其他班为地球日做的项目,并就我们班的项目征求了我们的建议。

April 22 is the Earth Day.───4月22日是[世界地球日].

you come to the organic food festival we had to celebrate Earth Day?───你来参加我们为庆祝地球日而举办的有机食品节了吗?


Earth day 1990 helped to rekindle the excitement of the green movement.

Forty years ago, Earth Day began in the United States as a "teach-in" –a day to educate people about the environmental challenges facing our planet.

Earth Day advocates were busy greening up the city's parks.

In mid-January, three months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of Common Cause, provided temporary space for a Washington, D. C. headquarters.

The epicenter of Earth Day 2010 activities in the United States is Washington , D . C.