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时间:2022-09-24 20:02:00 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2804字


Window position


靠窗───beside the window;位置───position


He is right beside the window.───他就在窗户旁那儿。

There's a bookshelf beside the window.───窗户旁边有一个书架。

Come and sit beside me, not beside the window.───过来坐在我旁边,不要在窗户旁边。

As the bus was passing by, Hyun-soo runs in the rains and waves his hands to Eun-jun sitting beside the window. . .───讯修在雨中跑着,当列车从他身边驶过时,他向坐在窗边的银珠挥着手。

I sat beside the window of the train, watching the trees ribbon past the window.───我坐在火车的窗子旁边,看着那些树木在窗外像一条条带子似的倏忽而过。

The pictures are hanging on the wall. The window is right above the bed. The mirror is beside the window.───几幅画都挂在墙上的,窗户在床的正上方,镜子在窗户的旁边。


Beside the window the enormous bed was made up, with ragged blankets and a coverless bolster.

Long...curtains that hung down ungirt beside the window.

An old rocking horse beside the window has given countless rides to the Pages' children and five grandchildren.

He was directed to a table beside the window.

I sat beside the window of the train,watching the trees ribbon past the window.