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时间:2022-09-24 20:03:09 作者:星火作文 字数:2667字






Kenji and I are friends now.───现在我和健二是好朋友.

We chose Kenji to recognize his work, as well as to encourage the exchange of ideas with Japan.───我们推选平锅先生以表扬他的工作,同时鼓励在日本的意见交流。

Kenji woke up with a major hangover from last night's party.───建二带着昨晚晚会留下的醉意醒过来.

When asked about the meaning of the title, Kenji explained───当被问及短片标题的含义时,平锅健儿这样解释道

Hiranabe is the face of agile in Japan.───児在日本差不多是敏捷的代言人。

Good green landscape painting, the exhibition son Kenji, Qiu Jin Li Pen.───擅画青绿山水, 受展子虔的影响,笔力遒劲.


"Tama is basically supposed to be a conversation partner for the elderly, " explained Kenji Mizutani, an engineer for Matsushita.

Kenji will have to see about getting a visa.

Kenji and I are friends now. --That's great.

Kenji Ogiwara, who won the individual combined competition, led his country to victory in the team event.

Good green landscape painting, the exhibition son Kenji, Qiu Jin Li Pen.