Its plastic with Guanyin, Manjusri , Samantabhadra, such as statues , shape different style.───其上塑着观音 、 文殊 、 普贤等神像,形态各异, 情趣盎然.
There are three main building , first, Manjusri Hall Dian Second, Third, the ancient stage.───主建筑有三, 一是文殊殿,二是五龙王殿, 三是古戏台.
North Hall has Manjusri, Samantabhadra, as the Tang Dynasty statue of Sakyamuni, as the temple treasures.───北大殿有文殊 、 普贤、释迦等唐代塑像, 为寺中珍品.
The Manjusri Bodhisattva full name is wen shu shi li , representing wisdom and auspicious meaning.───又称大势菩萨或大精菩萨,简称为势至.
It is also Guru Chen's face on Manjusri riding a dragon.───这骑著龙的文殊也是陈上师的脸。
The manjusri for a green lion, mount that feels wisdom.───文殊的坐骑为一青狮,表示智慧威猛。
Manjusri large hall there are statues, about 9.3 meters, face serene, lively and vivid.───大殿内有文殊菩萨塑像, 高约9.3米, 面容宁静, 生动传神.
The anxious Manjusri Bodhisattva at home places the position , where isn't suitable places.───急急急文殊菩萨在家里的摆放位置, 不宜放在哪里.
Follow the wisdom of Manjusri Bodhisattva, keep away from troubles and defilement.
Once there, he will see Amitabha Buddha, surrounded by Bodhisattvas Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Avalokitesvara, Maitreya and others, all with resplendently superb bodies, perfect virtues and merits.
Now only the eight-sided Pavilion of Manjusri and several side halls remain.