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时间:2022-09-25 12:03:41 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2845字


Bad husband




She looked at her husband crossly.───她生气地看着自己的丈夫.

Othello was a jealous husband.───奥赛罗是位妒忌心重的丈夫.

She's been poorly off since her husband died.───她丈夫死后她一直是贫困的.

She jokingly replied, " I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel.───”她开玩笑地回答说: “ 我要在此遇到一个有钱的丈夫, 结婚, 生几个孩子, 然后退休,去旅游.

How dare you class my husband with yourself?───你怎敢把我的丈夫当成像你那样一类的人?

She comforted herself that her husband would be home soon.───她安慰自己说她的丈夫很快就会回来.

They said that her husband used to knock her around but they had never heard her complain.───他们说她丈夫曾对她拳打脚踢,但从没听她诉过苦.

Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.───这两口子冷冷地背向而坐,互相埋怨.


She left her husband to join a women's commune.

The husband is always the last to know.

Jim was a most loving husband and father.

She dreads her husband finding out.

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