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时间:2022-09-25 12:04:55 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2745字


School Exhibition




The exhibition hall reared above me behind a high fence.───高高的围墙后面,展览大厅耸立在我面前。

The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.───全城最轰动的展览是在美术学院举办的莫奈画展。

The quiz was a good opportunity for the exhibition of his knowledge.───这次测验是他显示知识的好机会.

The exhibition will be a big affair.───这次展出将是一个盛举.

Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream.───参观者川流不息地进入展览厅.

The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi.───海沃德艺术展是由艺术家伯纳德·吕蒂组织的。

The exhibition is held annually.───这个展览每年举行一次。

I'd dropped a hint about having an exhibition of his work up here.───我已经暗示要在这里举办一次他的作品展。


People have been flocking to the exhibition.

The exhibition runs the whole gamut of artistic styles.

Journalists will be able to preview the exhibition tomorrow.

The overall cost of the exhibition was £400,000.

A fire caused the premature closing of the exhibition.