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时间:2022-09-25 12:04:21 作者:星火作文 字数:2741字


View of Natural Science


科学观───Scientific view;自然───natural


Later, we interviewed the person who developed the machine in order to obtain a more scientific view on these results and interpretations.───后来,为了对这测试的结果和分析取得更多的科学论证,我们采访了开发这仪器的人。

Compared with the traditional view of talents, scientific view of talents bears a brand-new connotation.───科学人才观是相对于传统人才观而言的,具有崭新的科学内涵。

The abnormal questions play an important role in the process of constructing scientific view of solving questions.───在他的解题科学观构建的过程中,“反常问题”起到了重要作用。


In order to construct the scientific view of ecological ethic, we must sublate the anthropocentrism.

Educational departments and society valuation system shouldn't be restricted by the traditional quantity standards, but be judged by the scientific view of quality of postgraduate education.

In his discourse upon the task of the translator, Benjamin interweaves a scientific view with a theological perception.

His support of the official scientific view that eagles are no threat to the sheep farmer is also worth having.